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Synthetic Biology meets CO2 removal.

Approximately 30-50% of all the oxygen on the planet is produced by cyanobacteria. The bacteria is able to capture CO2 from emission sites at an unprecedented rate - turning a waste product into a highly valuable building block for all the materials of our future.

CyanoCapture's modular low-cost photobioreactor (PBR) system containing the proprietary bacteria is able to capture CO2 from fermenters, power stations, cement factories and refineries in the thousands of tonnes per year at a lower cost than the current price of carbon tax, at scale.

Our cutting-edge approach isn't just about producing valuable chemical compounds from CO2. It's about unlocking a future where every single emission site in the world will be able to afford mass-scale carbon capture - powered by bacteria.


One problem. Three solutions.

Affordable carbon capture.


Sustainable biomanufacturing. 

When biologists are encouraged to think like engineers and engineers are given the chance to hack living cells, exciting things begin to happen.

Our award-winning team is backed by the Elon Musk foundation, Shell, L'Oreal, UKRI and The European Commission.

Dr David Kim

CEO, Founder

David Kim

Dr Stuart Reid

Chief Technology Officer

Dr Uma Sagaram

Chief Scientific

Dr Nick Roesen

Chief Operating

CyanoCapture's success is fueled by the passion and expertise of our dedicated team.  Meet the brilliant minds behind our groundbreaking low-energy carbon capture technology, all united by a shared mission to create a more sustainable future.

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